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23 October 2024 - Answers & Tips, Photography Tips

How to Photograph Mountain Hares

Insider Tips from Wildlife Photographer Will Hall

Mountain hares are one of the most captivating yet elusive subjects for wildlife photographers. Their snow-white coats in winter and mottled brown in summer create a striking contrast against rugged, windswept landscapes, offering exciting opportunities for great shots. However, photographing these shy animals presents unique challenges. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or a beginner, understanding their behavior, habitat, and the conditions they thrive in can dramatically improve your chances of capturing that perfect shot.

Wildlife photographer Will Hall knows all about these challenges, as he’s been venturing to the Scottish Highlands for years to photograph these elusive creatures. For this blog, he answered some questions about his love of photographing Mountain Hares, what people can expect if they join a Mountain Hare Photography Workshop, and how to get the best results from a photography session in the Highlands.

close-up of a mountain hare camouflaged among tall grasses and heather

What first motivated you to photograph Mountain Hares?

I was first motivated to photograph mountain hares when a friend of mine met me in the hills and explained some of the incredible wildlife there. I’d just moved to Scotland and had very little idea of the unique environments it had. I learnt that mountain hares are the only native hare species and that they’re only found in very small pockets of the UK. I had always wanted to see them as they’re one of the few species which changes its fur colour entirely during the course of the year. I also loved the challenge which came with trying to find and photograph them and now I’ve spent five years tracking and working with them!

How would you describe the experience of venturing to the Scottish Highlands to photograph hares?

The adventure of photographing hares is unique. We don’t simply drive up to the animal, hop out the car and start snapping. To photograph these amazing animals you need patience and field craft skill. I’ll get you as close as I can using a range of techniques but ultimately it’s all about slow movement and perseverance. This adventure is exciting and challenging and, sometimes, frustrating; but it’s hugely rewarding to see hares in their natural environment and to capture behaviours and details up close.

Find out what to expect from a Mountain Hare Photography Workshop

mountain hare rests on a snowy slope

What are the challenges in photographing Mountain Hares?

There are a few challenges we face when photographing the hares. The first is the environmental condition: we’re working in a montane habitat and the weather can be challenging at times, especially the wind. The ground is undulating and, depending where the hares are, it can be quite a climb at times. We always move slowly and carefully to keep safe and so long as we have suitable clothing and foot ware it’s a really enjoyable day out. (A thermos of coffee helps too!). The second major challenge is that the hares tend not to always be in the same place. They’re very active at night and so when we get there in the morning, they may well have moved from where I’ve scouted them beforehand. Many times we’re lucky and we can walk almost straight onto them but other times it might take a few hours before we find one; and then it’s all about making sure we don’t spook it!

Can you describe specific highlights in your experiences of photographing hares?

For me, the highlights of working with hares is the reward of the animal allowing you to get close. Once I’ve found a hare I’ll start a long way away from it but slowly get closer, observing behaviours as I go. I’ve had instances where I’ve got to within two or three metres of the hare and I’ve stayed with it for a day. A highlight is having a fantastic encounter and walking away from it without the hare spooking and running up the hill. I’ve also had the good fortune to teach lots of other people how to track and observe the hares in the wild which has led to some unique experiences and friendships!

mountain hare stands in a field of heather, shaking off water droplets

Who should consider joining a workshop?

I’d recommend this workshop for anyone who’s fascinated by the Scottish hills and all their wildlife. It’s for someone adventurous and who has a positive outlook on challenging conditions. Seeing mountain hares is utterly spellbinding and can be hugely rewarding offering a unique perspective into Scottish landscape and wildlife photography.

Interested in joining a Mountain Hare Photography Workshop yourself? Find out more!

Photo Credits: Will Hall

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