Born and raised in the United States, professional wildlife photographer Barrett Hedges has held a deep love for nature and discovered his passion for photography at a young age. Combining his love for wildlife with his skills in photography, Barrett has developed a unique approach in leading Brown Bear photography workshops, set deep in the Alaskan wilderness.
To better understand his approach, we asked Barrett to share what motivates him and his goals in photography.
What sparked your interest in photography?
My interest in photography started when I was 12 and my parents gave me a throw away camera to take pictures on a vacation to Yellowstone. I quickly became very excited about taking photographs, and when I saw wildlife I would grow very excited and try to get a good shot. Before I knew anything about technique, I was still trying to get the best angle for pictures.
What was your first camera, and what equipment do you use now?
After my throw away camera, I used my parentsâ Minolta 35mm film camera. Once I went to college, I got my own Nikon film camera.
Why wildlife photography?
I’ll never forget the first bighorn sheep I saw in the wild and how excited I got. I always loved just being outside growing up, but anytime we went on a trip out west I really wanted to see wildlife. I’ve always loved the unknown of wildlife photography and the tracking and patience it takes to get a quality wildlife picture.
What are your main goals with your photography?
With my photography, my main goal with any image is for that one image to tell a story. I want a person to be able to feel as if they could be standing next to me when they look at an image. I want them the be able to feel the emotion and power of each photo and for it to make them think more about the animal and the environment it lives in.
Who are some of your favourite photographers (past or present)?
Growing up I looked up to Thomas Mangelson and how he was able to capture the drama and the raw feeling of each animal he photographed.
Any secret techniques you can reveal?
In wildlife photography, the best way to get great photos is to study your subject and try to think like that animal, to try and predict what that animal will do next so you are ready when the moment happens.
All images by Barrett Hedges
On the beach, a grizzly bear family, ursus arctos horribilis, looks at another bear on the beach.
See more of Barrettâs work on his website.